If you are the kind of person who needs A LOT of theory, then maybe this is not the best reading. The style of this book is practical and entertaining. It does mix data, theory and practical advice and exercises to get a clear hold on what emotional intelligence is and why you should consider working on it. This book, in my opinion, doesn’t present you anything magical, no miracles here… And maybe that’s what I like about it. (Ok, maybe at the same time, but… you get the point)! Well, truth is, I’ve come to think that in order to improve the way we are with our children in order to better understand our little wonders in order to enjoy more the time we have together we need to work on us FIRST. In fact, I think children are not even mentioned. You may wonder why I’ve chosen to start my series with a book that does not talk about children.

Chapter 4 : Digging In : An Action Plan to Increase Your EQ.Chapter 3 : What Emotional Intelligence Looks Like : Understanding the Four Skills.Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves – co-founders of TalentSmart®.The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy Purchases (without the stress).

The top #40+ international children songs to sing and dance !.Who else wants ideas for a new children’s book?.Say no! Why you may want to learn that right now.Breathe… Why it helps you stay calm and present.How can I help my children sleep? How to handle it, smooth!.8 truly interesting things you should know about your child’s social development.