So when we got animalistic people in Scarlet, I was blown away. Cinder gave me the impression that they were all evil and all pretty humanoid in terms of looks and behavior. Scarlet took a direction with the Lunar subjects that I never expected. How did Luna and the Lunar subjects develop in Scarlet, compared to Cinder ? What did you think of the new additions to the cast? I really liked that old world connection because Cinder’s world is after World War 4. Some parts of Paris like the opera house try to keep it true to the Parisian culture we have grown up as the hub for art. I just finished a book about Paris and I totally agree with you that the feel of the locations in Cinder and Scarlet are widely different and Meyer’s research on France made it more real.

I’ve never been to either locations, so I can’t say if one book is more accurate than the other, but I do love how wildly different the settings are. She did say she didn’t have that same thing when writing Cinder. In it, she mentioned how she actually had a Parisian editor read Scarlet and give her pointers on France. My version of Scarlet had a little Q&A with Marissa Meyer in the back. I found that this quenched my initial curiosity with Cinder about the rest of Earth. I had thought of this series as more of a retelling for the fairy tales but the more we get into the world and the characters, I am realizing how unique and diverse The Lunar Chronicles world is! While Cinder was about the Eastern Commonwealth, Scarlet took to other parts of the world including Paris. I have the feeling that this is a series that just gets better and better as it goes along. As soon as I finished Scarlet, my first thought was how excited I am to get to Cress. I loved how fast-paced and how fun of a read it was. Cinder had a lot of important world-building, but we got to jump straight into the action with Scarlet. I 100% agree on liking it even better than Cinder. A post shared by Kriti finally time to discuss Scarlet! We breezed through this book in a week and I am excited to say I liked it more than Cinder which was great too in my opinion! Meisha, what were your thoughts when you finished the book?