This is one book that will not put you to sleep. 2013 by David K Randall (Author) 183 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle Edition 9.68 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover 13.81 11 Used from 2.79 6 New from 12.14 Paperback 10.19 12 Used from 1.15 7 New from 10. There's plenty of practical information, like how to overcome insomnia without drugs, how to combat snoring, how to encourage young children to get to sleep and, perhaps most useful, how to bet successfully on professional football games: our circadian rhythms favor West Coast teams over East Coast teams on Monday nights. Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep Paperback 13 Sept.

Randall argues that people can commit crimes in their sleep, and that the most important cause of friendly fire deaths in war is soldiers' lack of sleep.

What they apparently do is retard the formation of short-term memory so people taking sleeping pills simply don't remember all the times they wake up. Equally surprising, sleeping pills yield no higher quality sleep than a placebo. The range of topics is enormous, from the evolutionary reasons for sleep to the best type of mattress oddly enough, studies suggest that high quality sleep is equally possible on an unpadded concrete floor as on a high-tech air mattress. 10 illus.This fabulous book is likely to address any and all questions you might have about sleep, although, given the state of research in the field, the answers may not be definitive. There's plenty of practical information, like how to overcome insomnia without drugs, how to combat snoring, how to encourage young children to get to sleep and, perhaps most useful, how to bet successfully on professional football games: our circadian rhythms favor West Coast teams over East Coast teams on Monday nights. An engrossing examination of the science behind the little-known world of sleep. Randall available in Trade Paperback on, also read synopsis and reviews. Randall argues that people can commit crimes in their sleep, and that the most important cause of friendly fire deaths in war is soldiers' lack of sleep. Dreamland Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep by David K.

This fabulous book is likely to address any and all questions you might have about sleep, although, given the state of research in the field, the answers may not be definitive.