She works as long as she can and Ove continues to fight men in white shirts, but she dies anyway. Four years before the present, Sonja is diagnosed with cancer. After Rune buys the BMW, he is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The feud spans nearly forty years and the last straw is when Rune buys a BMW after his son moves to America. After Rune's baby boy is born, Ove and Rune begin fighting over everything-from how to mow the lawn to which heating system to install in the houses. Ove fights with “men in white shirts” over his wife’s health until Sonja makes him stop. Sonja takes a job teaching troubled students and teaches them all to read Shakespeare. Ove insists on rebuilding the house himself to make it wheelchair accessible. Sonja miscarries and becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Rune and Ove share tools and built cribs for their babies. Anita is also pregnant, and she and Sonja become best friends. They move into a row house on the same day as a couple named Rune and Anita. Sonja tells Ove she is pregnant and insists they buy a house. Sonja's childhood cat, Ernest, dies a week after her father. When Sonja and Ove have been in a relationship for three years, Sonja's father dies and Sonja is distraught. She insists he start an engineering course so he can build houses. Although he admits to lying about his reasons for riding the train with her, she doesn't care. Ove spends three months riding the train with her until she asks him out to dinner. She is riding to school to become a teacher. Ove tries to sign up for the military but is denied entrance when he learns he has a congenital heart defect. Ove punches Tom, takes his watch back, and Tom never bothers Ove again. Days after his house burned down, Tom confronts Ove at work and steals his father's watch. Men in white shirts stop Ove from putting the fire out. Ove finishes renovating his house and weeks later, it catches fire. The director hires Ove back on as a night cleaner on a long-distance train. Tom accuses Ove of stealing money, and because Ove refuses to accuse Tom, Ove loses his job. When he starts receiving letters informing him that the city wants to buy his house and demolish it, he decides to get a job at a construction site and learn how to build houses so he can renovate his house. Ove quits school to take his father's job at the railway. Ove's father dies when Ove is 16 and leaves him only his house and the Saab. The railway director gives Ove's father a Saab, and Ove and his father spend Saturdays repairing the car. Ove finds a wallet with money in it, and decides to turn it in rather than keep it. One day, Ove is sent to clean out a railway car with Tom, a mean and selfish coworker. Ove's mother died when he was eight, so Ove lived with his father and began working at the railway with him. The story moves back and forth between Ove's childhood and his life as a fifty-nine-year-old man in Sweden.